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International day and Erasmus Days

Here at Agrosup Dijon on the 15th of October we celebrate our international day, which this year happens to fall on the same day as Erasmus Days !

A moment to get to know our international students, to start thinking about studying abroad, international internships, and much more!

This year at Agrosup Dijon we are seizing the opportunity to inform our students, via a virtual conference room, about everything they need to know before going abroad. Whether that be for an international internship or when integrating a school abroad for a semester or more. They will also be able to hear from students who took the plunge and travelled during their time at Agrosup Dijon.

Our students will also be able to take part in a seious game in agroecology. Funded with the support of the European Commission (Erasmus+ programme) and the Ecologically Intensive Agriculture (AEI) chair, it is the fruit of the collaboration between 6 European universities: AGROCAMPUS OUEST (France), University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland), Università di Bologna (Italy), Université de Liège (Belgium), École supérieure d'Agricultures (ESA) (France), ONIRIS (France).

From 9 A.M to 5 P.M, on the 15th of October, students will be able to create the best ecological farm. This game aims to better understand sustainability challenges throughout different European countries.

The lucky winner of this international championship, the student who has created the best agroecological farm, will walk away with an Interrail pass for 2 people : 7 days of unlimited train journeys throughout Europe over a period of a month! 

Good luck to everyone participating !