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Food science and technology - Engineering Program

L'Institut Agro Dijon: a school of higher education

The higher education system in France includes universities and other institutions called the "Grandes Ecoles".

The "Grandes Ecoles" are the most prestigious institutions for higher education in Engineering and Management. The vast majority of the chief executives in major French companies and of top managers in the French Administration are graduates from the "Grandes Ecoles".

Admission criteria

L'Institut Agro Dijon has signed many Erasmus+ and international agreements. To participate in an exchange program (Erasmus+ or other), your home university must be a l'Institut Agro Dijon partner. The duration of the exchanges can vary between 6 and 12 months. 

Conditions of eligibility

Check with the International Relations Department of your home university about the existence of a bilateral agreement. 

You must : 

  • be officially appointed as exchange student by your International Relations Department,
  • have a B2 level in French or English; 
  • have a good general level in your study field.


You must apply to your university or faculty. 

You must be selected and nominated by your university. After your selection, your university will have to send your name, contact details, study field and chosen study semester to the Direction of International Relations at l'Institut Agro Dijon.

No spontaneous applications are accepted

Once you are nominated, the International Relations Department of l'Institut Agro Dijon will send you an application form and a list of documents to provide.

Autumn semester

Academic calendar

Exchange period:

• beginning of September to beginning of March or mid-March

Deadline for nominations and application:

• April 30th

Spring semester

Academic calendar

Exchange period:

• From end of January to end of June

Deadline for nominations and application:

• October 31st 

I participate in the Erasmus program, and that is actually quite simple. It is an exchange program of the European Union. I also get monthly money, so you are supported, so to speak, a scholarship.

I applied at my home university and I was accepted and nominated here in Dijon. Then the Institut Agro Dijon also accepted me, that was the whole process, briefly summarized.

I found it quite easy because you are guided quite well through the full process. Everything is now done online, and the only thing you must be careful about is not missing any deadlines. The first deadline is already November or December, always for the winter semester in the following year. That's why you should check with the program officer in advance.

Anne Knoechelmann

3rd year engineering student in the specialization Sustainable Food Formulation