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Food science and technology - Engineering Program

The French “diplôme d’ingénieur” corresponds to a Master of Sciences and is recognized as a Master Degree in the USA by AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers)

After two years of prep schools, a national competitive exam leads to the selection of the best students. The program lasts three years, and is taught in French.

In order to integrate the engineering program in food sciences in l'Institut Agro Dijon, international students are subject to a specific admission process, they have the choice between:

  • the BE competitive exam, which allows integration in the first year,
  • the DE competitive exam, which allows integration in the second year.

BE exam

Admission criteria

With this process, called “Concours BE”, international students can join the first year of the engineering program, equivalent to the third year of BSc in engineering.

L'Institut Agro Dijon BE competitive exam is for:

  • foreign applicants holding a degree or diploma in a scientific field attesting to at least three years of higher education or the acquisition of 180 European credits (180 ECTS)
  • foreign applicants holding a B2 level in French and in English

Eligibility: March 24 (initial selection based on a review of applicants' files)

Admission: April 24 to 26 (interview of selected candidates by videoconference) in Dijon


Language of instruction : French

Application procedure

Students from a country not concerned by the "studies in France" procedure must return the downloadable files below, to the address

  • Download the Application file
  • The deadline for submitting applications is January, 1st 2025

The file must be returned completed by email in a single pdf file with the title: CANDIDATURE CONCOURS BE_2025/

Students concerned by the "studies in France" procedure, your application files must be submitted via the CAMPUS FRANCE website (the deadline application depend on your country, visit the website of the campus France near you to get the deadline application)

The application process concours BE consists first of an online application through campus France, you send your motivation letter, CV and your career aspirations. You get preadmission around March and afterward, you have to complete an online interview to defend your professional and studying project.

The application process went pretty smoothly, I would say. I was proactive enough to get in touch with current students and teachers who helped me understand the core of the engineering program. They helped me to work on my application process early on. When I got preadmission, I also contacted these students to ask them how I should prepare myself for the interview and what life was really like in France. I was really happy when I finally got accepted.

Bichara Sani

1st year engineering student in food science

DE exam

Admission criteria

With this process, called “Concours DE”, international students join the program at the beginning of the second year, equivalent to the first year of MSc in engineering.

L'Institut Agro Dijon concours DE exam is reserved to:

  • foreign applicants holding a degree or diploma in a scientific field attesting to at least four years of higher education or the acquisition of 240 European credits (240 ECTS)
  • foreign applicants holding a B2 level in French and in English

Eligibility: March 24 (initial selection based on a review of applicants'files)

Admission: April 24 to 26 (interview of selected candidates by videoconference) in Dijon


Language of instruction : French

Application procedure

Students from a country not concerned by the "studies in France" procedure must return the downloadable files below, to the address

  • Download the Application file
  • The deadline for submitting applications is January, 1st 2025

The file must be returned completed by email in a single pdf file with the title: CANDIDATURE CONCOURS DE_2025/

Students concerned by the "studies in France" procedure, your application files must be submitted via the CAMPUS FRANCE website (the application deadline depend on your country, visit the website of the campus France near you to get the deadline application)

This concours consists of a study of your registration files and an interview. First we have to contact the corresponding campus France in our countries, in my case, it was the campus France in the city of Monterrey (Mexico). With them, I followed the whole process in which I uploaded my letter of motivation, CV, letters of recommendation, work experience… and they were the link between me and the Agro Dijon Institute. Then, once my application was accepted, they gave me a date for my interview.

This contest was relatively easy for me; however, it took some time to organize it. I had to do it a year in advance. The interview was easy. They ask you about your professional plan, your experiences, what you want to do, what you like, etc. Besides, the interview is in French and English.

David Castro

2nd year engineering student in food science