Research at l'Institut Agro Dijon
Research at l'Institut Agro Dijon is organised around 4 main fields divided in 6 research units: Territories - Development and Rural Spaces – Agronomy and the Environment – Food, Nutrition, Health – Educational Sciences
L'Institut Agro Dijon is a key actor when it comes to ecological and dietary transition. Research at l'Institut Agro Dijon is at the heart of the scientific strategy of the site, which is coordinated by UBFC and the regions innovation strategy. Research is conducted in tight partnership with the university of Burgundy, and some of the highest research institutions such as INRAe, INSERM or le CNRS.
With its partner research units, l'Institut Agro Dijon acts in favour of sustainable agri-food systems, the environment and economic development, health and nutrition. Research teams at l'Institut Agro Dijon are also committed to the second Investment for the Future Program (Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir), within the project Initiatives Science Innovation Territoires Economie Bourgogne Franche-Comté - ISITE BFC. The transfer of knowledge acquired at l'Institut Agro Dijon is facilitated by the cluster Vitagora, the Carnot Qualiment and Plant2pro institutions, the innovation hub AgrOnov, the incubator DECA BFC, the public interest group in Wine and Vines and the expertise of the SATT Sayens, all contribute to the promotion of the research undertaken in l'Institut Agro Dijon.
5 thematic axes
To innovate and form sustainable food and farm systems to serve economic, environmental, health and taste development
1. Transitionning agriculture and territories
Evaluate the terms and conditions, adapt practices and create new models in order to address challenges such as climate change, agroecology with agronomic crops and sustainable food systems that serve territories and public politic's social development and economic growth.
2. Food, Taste, Health, Sustainability
Create enjoyed and healthy products and eco-friendly engineered packaging, understand and evaluate consumer expectations and perceptions, as well as the link between food and health.
3. Natural and controlled microbial ecosystems
Understand and control pathogenic microorganisms, select and know how to characterize microbial communities and microorganisms of interest, and isolate, assemble, produce and conserve microorganisms.
Train and inform for sustainable food and farm systems
Prepare students and adults in continuous training, accompany professional farmers, advisers and transformers by identifying knowledge and competences, by evaluating the key actors and forms of socialisation; inform et associate consumers (participative research) in order to develop the fields of agricultural production, transformation and to push consumers towards more ecological and sustainable habits.
Science and data, applied to the transition towards more territorialised and sustainable food and farm systems
Acquire, produce, transform, integrate and design data, analyse data interdependent with the modelling of relations between the data, elaborate statistic and spectral analysis methods, as well as develop artificial intelligence tools and methods. Develop constructed and relevant information to help in decision making.
L'Institut Agro Dijon's progression in the Shanghai Ranking!
Our school ranks once again in the Shanghai Ranking, for its research work. The Agro Institute is:
- 1st in France in “Food Science & Technology” and 24th in the world
- 2nd in France in “Agricultural Sciences” and 21st in the world
- 3rd in France in “Ecology” and 13th in the world
Key figures:
- 128 research-professors and engineers
- 56 ongoing theses
- 144 firstclass publications in 2023