Food and Wine Science and Technology
in 2020
The PAM Food and Wine Science and Technology research unit (UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques) is a key actor when it comes to scientific and technological progresses in the food and wine fields.
The research unit brings together four complementary teams (physico-chemistry, microbiology, process engineering), this allows a cross-disciplinary approach to food and wine:
- PCAV team : Physico-chemistry of Food and Wine
- PMB team : Microbiological and Biotechnical Processes
- FBI team : Food Biotech&Innovation
- VALMIS team : Food-Wine-Microbiology-Stress
The research conducted here is aimed to better understand physical, chemical and biological phenomena’s, which determine the quality of food or wine. The outcome of this research enables the creation of better products (nutritional value, safety, consumer experience, practicality…) and better food processes in terms of efficiency.
Through its work, the research unit aims to:
- Develop new protein sources and new food ingredients
- Better preserve food, wine, useful microorganisms and biomolecules.
- Control food related risks (pathogens, viruses, allergies, intolerances…)
- Functionalise (smart packaging, probiotics…) and specialise food (age, activity)
- Eco-conceptualise and improve sustainable food and wine productions (conservation, waste…)
Partner institutions

Other key figures
144 researchers, research-professors and technicians.
Of which, 59 research-professors, 21 engineers and technicians from l'Institut Agro Dijon, University of Burgundy and Dijon University Hospital Centre
10 thesis defended in 2023
73 A-Ranked publications in 2023
Under the supervision of University of Burgundy, l'Institut Agro Dijon and UBFC.